Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf
“From the smallest community cell to the highest leadership of the entire Reich, the state must have the personality principle anchored in its organization.
“There must be no majority decisions, but only responsible persons, and the word ‘council ’ must be restored to its original meaning. Surely every man will have advisers by his side, but the decision will be made by one man.
“The principle which made the Prussian army in its time into the most wonderful instrument of the German people must some day, in a transferred sense, become the principle of the construction of our whole state conception: authority of every leader downward and responsibility upward.
“Even then it will not be possible to dispense with those corporations which today we designate as parliaments. But their councillors will then actually give counsel; responsibility, however, can and may be borne only by one man, and therefore only he alone may possess the authority and right to command.
“Parliaments as such are necessary, because in them, above all, personalities to which special responsible tasks can later be entrusted have an opportunity gradually to rise up.
“This gives the following picture:
“The folkish state, from the township up to the Reich leadership, has no representative body which decides anything by the majority, but only advisory bodies which stand at the side of the elected leader, receiving their share of work from him, and in turn if necessary assuming unlimited responsibility in certain fields, just as on a larger scale the leader or chairman of the various corporations himself possesses.
“As a matter of principle, the folkish state does not tolerate asking advice or opinions in special matters — say, of an economic nature — of men who, on the basis of their education and activity, can understand nothing of the subject. It, therefore, divides its representative bodies from the start into political and professional chambers.
“In order to guarantee a profitable cooperation between the two, a special senate of the elite always stands over them.
“In no chamber and in no senate does a vote ever take place. They are working institutions and not voting machines. The individual member has an advisory, but never a determining, voice. The latter is the exclusive privilege of the responsible chairman.
“This principle — absolute responsibility unconditionally combined with absolute authority — will gradually breed an elite of leaders such as today, in this era of irresponsible parliamentarianism, is utterly inconceivable” (449-50).
Hermann Rauschning - The Voice of Destruction
Hitler’s triangle as a symbol of the new social order:
“I asked Hitler the meaning of the triangle he had drawn for Ley, of the Labor Front, and a
number of Gauleiter, in order to make the future social order clear to them. Evidently Hitler did
not remember. Forster had not been able fully to explain it to me, I told him, but had been much impressed by it nevertheless. He said it made everything quite clear.
"’Oh, yes, I remember,’ Hitler replied. ‘This is what you mean: one side of the triangle is the “Labor Front,” the social community, the classless community in which each man helps his
neighbor. Everyone feels secure here, each one gets assistance, advice and occupation for his
leisure time. All are equal here.
"’The second side is the professional class. Here each individual is separate, graded, according to his ability and quality, to work for the general good. Knowledge is the criterion here. Each is worth as much as he accomplishes.
"’The third side represents the party, which, in one or other of its many branches, embraces every German who has not been found unworthy. Each one in the party shares the privilege of leading the nation. Here the decisive factors are devotion and resolution. All are equal as party comrades, but each man must submit to a grading of ranks that is inviolable.’
“This, I agreed, was roughly what Forster had tried to explain to me, but he had been only partially successful. There had been some mystic significance as well, the first side at the same time representing the will in man, the second, what is usually called the heart, and the third, the intelligence.
“Hitler laughed at this. There was no need to labor the comparison, he remarked. He had only meant to show how each individual, in all his feelings and activities, must be included in some section of the party.
"’The party takes over the function of what has been society—that is what I wanted them to understand. The party is all-embracing. It rules our lives in all their breadth and depth. We must therefore develop branches of the party in which the whole of individual life will be reflected. Each activity and each need of the individual will thereby be regulated by the party as the representative of the general good. There will be no license, no free space, in which the individual belongs to himself. This is Socialism …’” (190-91).
Friedrich Percyval Reck-Malleczewen - Diary of a Man in Despair
Hitler’s government is plutocratic (44)
Plutocracy strictly controls the life of its people:
“Industry pulls the strings; it has controlled the General Staff since the days of Ludendorff. The instrument of power is terror, and the industrialists hold tight to it. They control every means of influencing public opinion, and have thereby stupefied the great unproductive mass – salaried people, office workers, most of the lower ranking government employees – to the point of idiocy. The rest is a mixture of business people and nobility come down in the world, melted into a middle-class lump with the newly created officers and quick turnover fellows. These people are more materialistic than the Bolshevik Russians, live from day to day, and haven't the slightest conception of the grim little game that has been begun here” (106).